Odin:1 - Walkthrough [Vulnhub]

Here's  my solution for Odin:1.
The machine can be downloaded from here.

Service Discovery
Using nmap to scan all TCP ports.
$ nmap -sC -sV -p-

We find only 1 port open.

We map ip to host by editing the /etc/hosts file.

Lets browse the web.

We find that the web in built on CMS - Wordpress.

Scrolling down, we see some base32 encoded text.


 We can browse CyberChef to decode it.

This seems like a hint-  To use rockyou wordlist.

We run wp-scan to enumerate all plugins and users.
$ wp-scan --url http://odin -e ap,u

No plugins were found but we found a user- odin.
When we try to manually verify the user- odin, it says- unknown username.

Now we enter a default user name - admin and a random password. After reading the error we confirm that the user- admin exits.

Since we do not have the password for the user. We user wpscan to brute force the password.
$ wpscan --url http://odin/ -U admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

We get the password as- qwerty

Lets login the credentials.
Username: admin
Password: qwerty

We navigate to Appearance > Theme Editor and select the theme file as 404.php.
We edit the 404.php file and place the php reverse shell payload in it.

Initial Access
To run the exploit we browse http://odin/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/404.php
And on the other hand we start the net cat listener.

We get the shell.

Privilege Escalation
We find a file- wp-config.php under /var/www/html directory which contains root user's password hash.

We copy the hash to a file.
Lets run john against the hash.

We get the password as- jasmine

Switching to root.
$ su root
Password: jasmine

Root Flag.

Other Walkthroughs


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