CyberSploit:2 - Walkthrough [Vulnhub]

Here's my solution for CyberSploit:2.
The Machine can be downloaded from here

Starting with nmap scanning for all TCP open ports.
nmap -sC -sV -p-

We find only 2 open ports.

Browsing the website, show list of usernames and passwords.

Checking the source code reveal us a hint- ROT47.

While browsing the website, we see a strange username- D92:=6?5C2 and its associated
password as- 4J36CDA=@:E`

From the hint we can guess that the username and password can be ROT47 encoded.

Browsed to decode it, and we get the credentials as-
username: shailendra
password: cybersploit1

Getting Access
Tried ssh with credential, and we get the access.
ssh shailendra@
password: cybersploit1

Found a file named as hint.txt, which gives a hint as docker, it can be used for privilege escalation,
also the user is a member of docker group.

Privilege Escalation
docker run -v /:/mnt --rm -it alpine chroot /mnt sh

And we get the flag


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