Cheesey:Cheeseyjack - Walkthrough [Vulnhub]

Here's my solution for Cheesey:Cheeseyjack.
The machine can be downloaded from here.

Port Scanning
Using Nmap to scan all TCP  Ports.
$ nmap -sC -sV -p-

We find 11 ports open.

Browsing the web.

Using dirb to scan the directories.
$ dirb -r

Browsing /it_security.

Lets check this note.txt

From this message, we can take a note on the names- cheese and crab can be user names.

Browsing /project_management.

Interesting, a login page.

Since SMB ports are open we run enum4linux against the host to find some useful information.
$ enum4linux -a

Interesting. We find 2 users- ch33sem4n and crab.

The author has already given us the hint as- cewl.

We use cewl to generate passwords for us.
$ cewl > password

We user burp to brute force the password of the user- ch33s3m4n.


We get the password as- qdpm.

We browse the login page and login with the credential-
Email: ch33s3m4n@cheeseyjack.local
Password: qdpm

We navigate to Projects > Add Project

We click the Attachments tab.
Now here we upload the php reverse shell file.

Initial Access
To run the exploit we browse the URL-

We simply click on file and on the other hand we start the netcat listener.

We get the shell.

Privilege Escalation
From www-data > crab.
We find a file- todo.txt under /home/crab directory which gives us a hint- location of crab's ssh private key.


Lets get the key.

Before accessing SSH, we change the permission of the key file.
$ chmod 600 key
$ ssh -i key crab@

From crab > root.
We check for SUDO rights.

We navigate to /home/crab/.bin directory, create a bash file and place the reverse shell payload in it.

We run the bash file and on the other hand we start the netcat listener.

We get the root shell, lets grab the root flag.


Other Walkthroughs


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