HackathonCTF:1 - Walkthrough [Vulnhub]

Here's my solution for HackathonCTF:1.
The machine can be downloaded from here.

Port Scanning
Using nmap to scan all TCP ports.
$ nmap -sC -sV -p-

We find 4 ports open.

Browsing the web.


From nmap's output we see that robot.txt file is present, lets check it out.

Down the page we see a base64 encode data, we decode it.

This seems like a hint- to brute force the ssh.

Using gobuster to scan the directories and also we include some file extensions
$ gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x html,txt,php

Browsing /ftc.html.

Checking the source page.

We browse Cryptii to decode the decimal values.

Seems to be another hint- to use rockyou word list.

Browsing /sudo.html.

Checking the source page reveal a username- test.

Using hydra to brute force SSH.
$ hydra -l test -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh -s 7223

We get the password as jordan23.

Initial Access
Accessing SSH.
$ ssh test@ -p 7223
Password: jordan23

Privilege Escalation
Checking for SUDO rights.

Lets escalate to root.

Other Walkthroughs


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