KB-VULN: 2 - Walkthrough [Vulnhub]

Here's my solution for KB-VULN:2.
The machine can be downloaded from here.

Scanning for all TCP ports.
$ nmap -sC -sV -p-


We find 5 ports open.

From nmap's output we see ports 139 and 445 (SMB) are open, we enumerate smb shares.
$ smbmap -H

We have access to share named as- Anonymous, so lets get the smb shell.
$ smbclient //
and download the file- backup.zip.

After unzipping, we get a file named as- remember_me.txt and a folder named as- wordpress.

On viewing the contents of file- remember_me.txt, seems to be a credential.
$ cat remember_.txt
We keep this information, which can be used in further stage.

Browsing the web, and checking the source did not reveal any hint.

Using dirb to scan the directories.
$ dirb -r

Browsing /wordpress.

Checking the page source.

We map the ip to host name- kb.vuln, by editing the /etc/hosts file.

Browsing /wordpress/wp-login.php, here we enter the credential we found in file- remember_me.txt
Username: admin
Password: MachineBoy141

Since we are successfully logged in, we can upload/write and run the payload in order to get reverse shell. 

To do so, we can navigate to Appearance>Theme Editor, select the theme as- Twenty Nineteen and select the theme file as- 404.php to place php reverse shell payload.

Getting Access
To execute the payload we browse- /wordpress/wp-content/themes/twentynineteen/404.php
and on the other hand we start the netcat listener.

Privilege Escalation
From www-data>kbadmin.
We find a file- read_ME.txt, located under /var/www/html, which gives hint as the user- kbadmin. 

We can verify it by looking the /etc/passwd file.


Switching to user- kbadmin.
The password is same which we have found in file- remember_me.txt
$ su kbadmin
Password: MachineBoy141

User Flag.

We check the file- note.txt, which gives a hint to use docker for next privilege escalation.

We can also see that the user is a member of docker group.

From kbadmin>root

Root Flag.



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