InfoSec Prep:OSCP - Walkthrough [Vulnhub]

Here's my solution for InfoSec Prep: OSCP
The Machine can be downloaded from here.

Lets start by scanning for all TCP Ports.
nmap -sC -sV -p-

We find 3 open ports.

Directory Scan
Browsing the web, reading the post, posted by admin gives the hint that- there is only one user on this box "oscp".

Using dirb to scan the directories,
dirb -r

Checking the /robots.txt, shows up a file- secret.txt, which contains base64 encoded ssh key for the user- oscp.

Browsing Cyberchef to decode the base64 encoded ssh key, copy the output and save it.

Getting Access
Before accessing ssh, we change the file permission for the ssh key file.
chmod 600 key
ssh -i key oscp@

Privilege Escaltion
We check for SUID bits.
find / perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null

bash -p

The Flag


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