EVM:1 - Walkthrough [Vulnhub]

Here's my solution for EVM:1
The machine can be downloaded from here.

Scanning for all TCP open ports.
nmap -sC -sV -p-

We find 6 ports open.

Directory Scanning
Browsing the web, gives us the hint as- /wordpress.

Using dirb for directory scanning.
dirb -u -r

Dirb, also finds the /wordpress directory, we can guess it is built on CMS- Wordpress.

Using wp-scan, to find all the plugins and users.
wp-scan --url -e ap,u


No plugins were found, but we found a user- c0rrupt3d_brain.

Lets brute force to find the password for the found user.
wp-scan --url -U c0rrupt3d_brain -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt


We find the password as- 24992499.

Getting Access
As we have the credentials-
User: c0rrupt3d_brain
Password: 24992499

We use metasploit, to get the initial access.
sudo msfconsole
use exploit/unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload


We set the required details and then run the exploit.

Lets get the shell.

Privilege Escalation
Under /home/root3r directory, we find a hidden file, which includes the password for the user- root.

Switching to Root.
su root
Password: willy26

Root Flag.


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