Sunset:Decoy - Walkthrough [Vulnhub]

Here's my solution for Sunset:Decoy.
The Machine can be downloaded from here.

Lets start by scanning all TCP ports.
nmap -sC -sV -p-

We find 2 TCP ports open.

Browsing the web, shows up with a zip file.

Download file. We see that the zip file is protected with password.

Lets crack it, extracting the hashes from zip file.

Brute forcing against the hashes.

We get the password as- manuel
As we have the password, unzip it.

The shadow file, contains the encrypted password for
user- 296640a3b825115a47b68fc44501c828

Lets crack it.

Now we have user and password.
User: 296640a3b825115a47b68fc44501c828
Password: server

Getting Access
ssh 296640a3b825115a47b68fc44501c828@
password: server

We get the access, but we see that we are in restricted bash, lets escape this.

Connecting again,
ssh 296640a3b825115a47b68fc44501c828@ -t "bash --noprofile"
password: server

Adding /usr/bin to PATH

Privilege Escalation
Transfer the pspy64 to the target machine.

We see an executable file- honeypot.decoy, lets run it.
By selecting the 5th option, it says- The AV Scan will be initiated within a minute.

Lets run pspy64.

We see that the system is running chkrootkit-0.49, lets search for the exploit.

Get this 33899.txt, its says-

Created an executable file named as- update, in /tmp directory.

On the other hand started netcat listener to get a reverse shell.

The Flag.


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