CyberSploit:1 - Walkthrough [Vulnhub]

Here's my solution for CyberSploit:1.
The Machine can be downloaded from here.

Starting with nmap scanning for all TCP open ports.
nmap -sC -sV -p-

we find only 2 ports open.

Directory Scanning
Browsing the website, checking the source gives us a hint.
username: itsskv

Tried brute forcing ssh, but did not get the result.

Scanning directories with dirb.

The robots.txt, has base64 encoded strings.

Lets decode

And we get the first flag-
Flag1: cybersploit{}
which also happens to be the password for user itsskv.

Getting Access
ssh itsskv@
password: cybersploit{}

Getting the second flag.

Seems the second flag has a hint which is in binary format.
Lets decode, browsed RapidTables.

And we get the second flag-
flag2: cybersploit{}

Privilege Escalation
Checking the kernel version, reveals an older version.

Searching for kernal exploit.

Lets get this 37292.c file and transfer it to target machine.

Run the exploit.

The final flag.


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